Histamine Food List
I ain't a doctor. I'm a medical massage therapist with only a year's initial training and a lot of personal experience with odd diets in the years that I had mysterious symptoms and no solutions. Diet was clearly a factor, and I was at sea trying to boil it down into a solution until I was diagnosed with histamine intolerance.
It has made the difference for me between living 3-5 days a week with migraines trying to onset and not having had a migraine for a year and a half to change my diet in the ways outlined in the chart below. Although I ain't a doctor and that makes it tricky for me working inside/alongside healthcare to share information outside my zone of bodywork, I would be ethically blameable if after such a powerful change as I've experienced I failed to lend a hand to making better known the solutions and understandings that are available for people with histamine intolerance, mast cell activation disorders, or mast cell activation syndrome. I created this chart because I had not found any resources that are presented in ways that at a glance simplify the relevant principles and provide a map toward short term relief while also a guide toward long term improvement of tolerances and immune condition--so far as I currently understand it, those are the goals and there's some hope for at least many people that they're attainable.
I'll be writing more on my experience and offering more information on what I've found to work and good resources that I've come across as I'm able.
Feel free to download and share, but keep my website info and the markings at the bottom indicating that there will definitely be errors--if you have any input on improvements to be made email me: sarah@lightspiritstudio.com.